3 tweeners, a nine-year-old girl, a pair of nine-year-old brother/sister twins, a faithful dog and a Christmas ornament have adventures beyond the norm in these re-renderings of the fable for modern times.
This ain’t your Grandma’s Fantasy Land.

Three young friends become lost in familiar surroundings when one of them dabbles in magic on the most unstable night of the year. Their trek home becomes a journey of self-discovery, guided by an old man wrapped in a black cloak, an absent-minded witch, and her pride of cats.
Hear the author reading the story. Click the image below.

— Personal Note —
I was hired by a producer to do research for a series of docs about the underlying truths behind classic tales of horror, like Dracula and Frankenstein.
Although none of the projects were produced, my research into the legends behind Halloween left me with some interesting concepts I had never heard explained before.
Using the framework of three teens dealing with their own personal issues I wove their story with the fabric of historical Halloween traditions and legends.
An old dog keeps a rabid raccoon away from the children trying not to become contaminated himself.
Scooter is a dog who survives a terrible car crash. Thrown out of the vehicle and into the woods Scooter is too damaged to get anyone’s attention, and is abandoned. His recovery in the wilderness takes time but Scooter struggles every day to keep moving.
He ends up in the forest behind the house where his Master’s children live with their mother, and waits there for his Master to come.
When a raccoon sick with rabies threatens the children, Scooter enters into a battle of wits to keep the tricky pest away from the children, without becoming contaminated himself.
— Personal Note —
This story came about as the result of the frustration of working on a TV script turned toothless by committee.
I wrote an episode for The Littlest Hobo about London engaged in a battle of wits against a rabid raccoon.
Shortly before the episode was to be shot they called to say that the production office had made major changes to the script. I was asked if I wanted my name removed. The changes were devastating to the story dynamic, but the dog’s owner didn’t want London trying to get another animal killed, however dangerous the animal might be to others. It weakens the drama but he owned the dog.
I maintained the credit but was disappointed in the show.
The idea percolated in my mind and became the story of Scooter, a different dog, but a hero nonetheless.
On an ordinary day in the ordinary life of an ordinary little girl, Sandra finds a necklace with a key attached and puts it on.
She meets Tay, a young boy her age, who tells her he needs the key back to save his father. When Sandra can’t undo the clasp, Tay convinces her to come home with him and suddenly they are flying through the night sky.
They arrive on a cloud called Knighn. A place where giant spiders and giant ravens are the servants and soldiers for the people who live there. Currently the Lords of the land are at war over the key. Tay’s father was kidnapped by the Sorcerer to get it. And shortly after Tay and Sandra arrive, the Sorcerer’s ravens attack and mistakenly capture Tay thinking he has it.
Sandra’s only hope of getting home lies in getting the key to the Magician while avoiding capture herself.
Sandra is accompanied on her journey by a walking talking TV with ‘tude; a rambunctious rubber ball with a puppy-dog personality; and an heroic warrior spider as big as a horse.
In the end Sandra discovers the secret of Knighn during a ferocious battle between armies of ravens and armies of spiders.
— Personal Note —
This is my homage to the film The Wizard of Oz but more in the tradition of the absurdities of Lewis Carroll.
A twisted re-rendering of the Hansel & Gretel fairy tale, which pits the witch, a blood-sucking plant, and a raven, against the children.
— Personal Note —
This story came from my Muse to the page pretty well intact. I don’t quite understand it myself. Maybe that’s a good thing.
A whimsical celebration of the season told from tree level. Ever wondered what Christmas ornaments get up to when left on their own?
A crystal Hummingbird is placed in the Christmas tree of her new home only to discover to her horror that most of the other ornaments are damaged.
Her nearest neighbour, an elf named Lug, tells her what happened. He begins by explaining how, as a boy, Mr. Kelley watched his father hand carve ornaments for the family tree every year. After many years and many ornaments Mr. Kelley’s father passed away. Wanting to carry on the tradition but unable to carve, Mr. Kelley placed a specially selected ornament on the tree every year.
Last year it was an Ostrich Egg music box with a Ballerina inside. Last year Drummer Boy and Ballerina fell in love. Last year was the year of the fire. The year Ballerina sacrificed herself to save the others.
— Personal Note —
This story has been kept alive within my family for many years.
It expressed my joy about this season being a time of love, kindness and peaceful harmony regardless of beliefs. Hopefully it expresses the magical wonder remembered from childhood.
My Muse tells me it’s the libretto for something musical and s/he should know.
And that is going to happen. I will bring you news as it develops.
Meanwhile, why not visit Lug’s page by clicking this link.