Movie Club


StoryTelling OnScreen

A movie club for screenwriters and filmmakers, or whoever wants to take part in discussions about movies as movies, about telling stories on screen, about how the movie under discussion generates the emotional response it gets from its audience, and similar topics.

Each week we will discuss a film from the collection on Kanopy (a free service through your local library).

The discussion will be about editing structure and character development.
The focus will be on the presentation and development of story on the screen.

A well made film that provokes an emotional response is a joy to watch and discuss at length. Telling stories on screen is an art form worth exploring.

If you are hungry for such discussions, rather than lectures about how the movie got made, join us to examine films and their impact on the audience.

Tuesday evening, May 26, 7:30 pm EDT.

We start with an amazing film about filmmaking:
“The Stunt Man” (1980).
Peter O’Toole plays Elijah to a young man in hiding.

Screenwriters and filmmakers should register early.
Space will be limited.